Asbestos: Open letter to Governments and other policy makers in Asia

News Post

Dec 14, 2017


Asbestos: Open letter to Governments and other policy makers in Asia

Dec 14, 2017

Sign on to the Open Letter to governments in Asia

The Asia Ban Asbestos Network (A-BAN) is seeking signatures from concerned scientists, researchers, doctors and specialists around the world, particularly those working in the field of asbestos disease and oncology as well as representatives of those exposed or suffering from asbestos related diseases such as victims groups and trade unions to sign the following Open Letter to Asian Governments.

Read the Open Letter (English)

The evidence of the harmful effects to humans of exposure chrysotile asbestos fibers is overwhelming, however, there continues to be misinformation and confusion spread by lobby groups and individuals connected to the asbestos industry. Their target is governments who have not yet banned asbestos, mainly in Asia, in an effort to derail or delay a ban. To counter this misinformation it is crucial that governments in Asia understand that the claims made by the asbestos industry are false.

How to sign the Open Letter

Please read the Open Letter carefully and email us with the following information if you agree to add your name being added to the Letter (note: other language versions of Open Letter below):

  • Your title
  • Your organisation
  • Your country
  • Your email address (kept private)

Emails to be sent to with a statement along the following lines: “I agree to sign on to the A-BAN Open Letter to Asian Governments and other Policymakers in regards to the Health Alert on Chrysotile Asbestos’”

The signatures will be presented to a range of governments in Asia in 2018 as part of the asbestos ban campaign so we can help prevent future cancers in Asia. Please circulate to any appropriate networks.

For further information, please contact Phillip Hazelton via openletter [at]

“Asbestos. Not Here Not Anywhere.”


Open Letter to governments in Asia – other languages