As we leave 2020 behind us and step forth into 2021, we know that we have a big year ahead of us. And we are thankful to have you join us. We know that our committed supporters, members, partner organisations, activists and volunteers step up when we need them most to help us tackle inequality and injustice in all their forms. In 2021, we are going to have to lift our game and work even harder as the impact of the pandemic unfolds and we focus on COVID recovery. But we can’t do it without you.
1. Join APHEDA (or upgrade if you are already a member!)
If you really want to ignite your inner global justice activist, joining Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA (or upgrading your membership) is your best bet. It is quick, easy and will instantly connect you with thousands of like-minded people who are ready to take action in solidarity with our partner organisations and social justice movements around the world. If you still need convincing, here are Five Reasons to join us.
2. Sign petition to ensure no asbestos is used in COVID-19 relief!
In the global response to the Coronavirus pandemic, we must not leave a toxic asbestos legacy! We’re calling on international development banks to ensure that no COVID-19 health funds or economic stimulus can be spent on asbestos. Sign the petition.
3. Know our history; know our purpose. How well do you know APHEDA?
Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA is the global justice organisation of the Australian union movement. APHEDA’s story begins in 1983 when a young Australian nurse, Helen McCue, was working as a nurse educator in the Middle East. Inspired by her time in the refugee camps, Helen returned to Australia later that year and took hea proposal to then ACTU President Cliff Dolan. The rest is, as they say, history. Have a read and be inspired.
Our Statement of Purpose is also worth a read:
Australian unions working globally in partnership for the achievement of dignity at work, social justice, economic equality and the realisation of human rights.
We work to achieve this through strong unions and social movements, sustainable development programs, global solidarity and support in times of crisis.
4. Call on the Australian government to restore funding to UNRWA!
In the 2020-2021 budget, the Australian Government halved its contribution to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), slashing funding from $20m to $10m. Sign and share this petition calling on the Australian government to restore funding to UNRWA.
5. Take the next step: join an APHEDA Activist Group
Our Activist Groups in Perth, Adelaide, Canberra, Brisbane and Melbourne are important to our fundraising, development education and keeping APHEDA visible in union and community networks. As an APHEDA Activist, you will be linked through an email network, closed Facebook group and receive regular briefings on our activities. Become an Activist today!