Office of the President

3 February, 1993

Mr Phillip Hazelton

Executive Officer


Dear Mr Hazelton,

On behalf of the African National Congress we would like to express our deep appreciation for your efforts, both past, present and, we are sure, in the future.  Thousands of people have benefitted from the more than 40 health, education and development projects conducted by APHEDA since 1984, and for this, we are truly in your debt.

The best reward we can all receive is to continue working together in a free South Africa, building on the firm foundations you have helped lay.

APHEDA has a long history in support of the anti-apartheid struggle.  Your provision of training programmes for black South Africans who were denied education and other opportunities because of racist policies, began during the difficult days of exile.  This assistance was not confined to exile or the ANC, but members of COSATU and the democratic movement were also  provided with opportunities through APHEDA programmes.

When the ANC was unbanned, APHEDA was quick to respond to the changing needs, providing assistance to those returning to help find their feet.  Many projects were started to strengthen communities, working with the Catholic Church, the Association  of Ex-Political Prisoners, the National Olympic Sports Congress and the National Union of Metal Workers of South Africa.

APHEDA’s development assistance programmes have made a very significant contribution.  Assistance is not only material, or helping realise the ultimate goal of freedom in South Africa.  Assistance is about people, about people in Australia caring enough about our people to contribute financially, to contribute their time, their skills and their emotions.  This is what sustains us.  This is what is irreplaceable in human endeavour.  This is the true meaning of solidarity.

We thank you, and the people of Australia, and will be eternally grateful for your magnificent contribution.

Nelson Mandela


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