Did you know that only 0.68% of Australia’s federal budget is allocated to international aid? In a world facing mounting challenges from conflict, poverty, and climate change, this is simply not enough. 

As we approach the next election, we’re urging politicians to take action. It’s time for Down Under to step up, and we’re calling for an increase in Australia’s aid contribution to 1% of the federal budget. 

We joined Australia’s non-government aid & international development organisationsto roll out a nationwide campaign filled with videos, facts, and stories that you can share with your networks. 

You’ve seen firsthand the impact our solidarity work has on those who need it most. As unionists, we know that collective action is key to driving change, and this is no different. That’s why we’re asking you to get involved by contacting your MP and spreading the word. 

Email your MP here  

Why This Matters: 

  • 1 in 5 children are living in conflict zones. 
  • 700 million people face extreme poverty every day. 
  • Australia has fallen in global aid generosity, dropping from 14th to 26th among wealthy nations. 

Together, we can turn this around. Here’s how you can help: 

  1. Email your MP and urge them to support an increase to Australia’s aid budget. 
  1. Share our campaign video on social media to raise awareness. 
  1. Forward this message to friends and family who care about making a difference. 

With the federal election on the horizon, now is the perfect time to show our leaders that Australians care about being good global citizens. A modest increase in our aid budget could have a profound impact on millions of lives around the world. 

We joined with Australian aid agencies to roll out a nationwide campaign filled with videos, facts, and stories that you can share with your networks.  

Let’s stand together and make a real difference. Follow this link to send a ready-made email to your MP and be part of the change. 

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