Politics in the Club Canberra

Politics in the Club Canberra

On the 22 March, Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA ran a social event in Canberra to raise awareness among local unionists of the Asbestos. Not Here, Not Anywhere campaign. Supported and hosted by the CFMEU ACT Branch, our first Politics in the Club was a great...
Melbourne Update – March 2017

Melbourne Update – March 2017

Our activities this month were focused strongly on the women of the union movement. The awesome VTHC-led Women’s Rights at Work (WRAW) festival provided multiple opportunities for working women to come together and share political ideas and campaign strategies...
Through the Eyes of Women

Through the Eyes of Women

In November 2016, the Karen Women’s Organisation released their first ‘Situation Update’, an in-depth report on recent events and the effect on women, refugees and communities living on the Thai-Myanmar border, inside Karen State and also in greater Myanmar.

Civil society remains outspoken as democratic space in Cambodia shrinks

Civil society remains outspoken as democratic space in Cambodia shrinks

Democratic space in Cambodia has shrunk further with the passing of controversial changes to Cambodia’s Law on Political Parties on 15 February.

The Cambodian National Assembly has approved legislation prohibiting those convicted of crimes from leading political parties, and allows the Ministry of the Interior to dissolve political parties that threaten “national unity”. It also prevents political parties from accepting donations from overseas, a clause designed to curb the influence of the Cambodian diaspora.

It’s Up to Us – have your say on Australia’s future in 60 seconds

It’s Up to Us – have your say on Australia’s future in 60 seconds

Our Government is writing a Foreign Policy “White Paper” that will guide the way Australia engages with the rest of the world.

It’s critical that the Government listens to all Australians – not just experts – about the kind of world we want to live in and the role Australia should have in making your vision a reality. You can have your say today, just by taking the 60 second #UpToUs survey.

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