Women’s Right to Inherit Land in Palestine

Women’s Right to Inherit Land in Palestine

Women’s Right to Inherit Land in Palestine On this International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, we highlight action to support women’s right to land. In Palestine, legislation and Sharia provide women the right to own and dispose of property...
Hope Growing Among the Produce

Hope Growing Among the Produce

A new Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA project aims to improve the lives of Timor-Leste’s farmers. The nation’s farmers stand at an important cross road in the country’s development. Project Officer – Vietnam, Cambodia & Lao PDR Karine Laroche explains how organising farmers can lift the standard of living for an entire nation.

Tackling Global Inequality

Tackling Global Inequality

Inequality is on the rise in so many areas around the world. ACTU President, Ged Kearney, tackles some of the big questions on inequality in this speech delivered in Perth on Saturday 15 October at the Unions WA International Committee Conference.

Five things … about life in Vietnam

Five things … about life in Vietnam

This month, Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA Mekong Regional Manager, Sharan KC, shares five facts about Vietnam and the developments in the trade union movement there. From the changing nature of street food to signs of impressive economic development, Vietnam is rapidly...

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