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Latest news from APHEDA’s overseas projects, campaigns and events

Thank you Angelo Gavrielatos!

Thank you Angelo Gavrielatos!

Thank you, Angelo! After 10 years in the role, Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA Chairperson Angelo Gavrielatos has stepped down from our governing committee.

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Organising to raise awareness of asbestos risk in Cambodia

Organising to raise awareness of asbestos risk in Cambodia

In Cambodia, union organisers are refreshing their strategies and tactics to educate workers about the dangers of asbestos. Using distance learning, union educator Kathleen Galvin is volunteering her time, skills and expertise to work with the APHEDA Cambodia team to help build the capacity or partner organisations.

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APHEDA People: Meet Debbie Gunn (President of HACSU)

APHEDA People: Meet Debbie Gunn (President of HACSU)

Trade union leader, activist, internationalist and passionate APHEDA member, Debbie Gunn, talks to us about why being APHEDA means taking our union values, rights and solidarity and spreading the love across the globe. Meet Debbie!

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