Latest News

Latest news from APHEDA’s overseas projects, campaigns and events

Accreditation achieved!

Accreditation achieved!

We are pleased to inform our members and supporters that APHEDA recently passed the Accreditation process for Australian international development organisations.

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Asbestos Ban Update: Campaigning in a Global Crisis Webinar

Asbestos Ban Update: Campaigning in a Global Crisis Webinar

In this special webinar event, hear updates from three key leaders in the global campaign to ban asbestos – Pooja Gupta from the India Ban Asbestos Network (IBAN), Mochamad Darisam from the Indonesia Ban Asbestos Network, and Liam O’Brien from the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU).

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Cambodian Entertainment Workers Mobilise for Wage Relief

Cambodian Entertainment Workers Mobilise for Wage Relief

Entertainment workers in Cambodia are out of work and struggling to survive since the Government closed entertainment venues in March this year. Left out of the governments COVID-19 financial assistance scheme, entertainment workers are mobilising to demand wage relief.

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