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Latest news from APHEDA’s overseas projects, campaigns and events

Crisis Update from Dr. Olfat Mahmoud, Lebanon

Crisis Update from Dr. Olfat Mahmoud, Lebanon

Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA has received a COVID-19 crisis update from Dr. Olfat Mahmoud in Lebanon. The organization Olfat founded, the Palestinian Women’s Humanitarian Organization (PWHO), is taking action to protect refugee communities at risk from the Coronavirus.

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Asbestos Awareness Promoted in Laos

Asbestos Awareness Promoted in Laos

The following short films were made by the World Health Organisation (WHO) Regional Office for South-East Asia and the Asia Ban Asbestos Network to draw attention to the dangers of chrysotile exposure, and to explain how exposure to asbestos fibre causes asbestos-related diseases like lung cancer and mesothelioma.

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No Asbestos in Covid-19 Relief!

No Asbestos in Covid-19 Relief!

Billions of dollars are being poured into the much needed global response to the COVID-19 pandemic response. We need to make sure that none of the health funding or economic relief from international organisations ends up funding asbestos products.

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