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Latest news from APHEDA’s overseas projects, campaigns and events

Organising for Climate Action with Steph Cunio – APHEDA People

Organising for Climate Action with Steph Cunio – APHEDA People

As both a unionist and climate activist, Steph Cunio is adamant that “there’s no way we’re going to win on climate change unless we bring the union movement along.” This task of building concerted action between unionists and climate activists is now Steph’s number one priority. Because if we don’t win, Steph says, “we’re not going to have a world.”

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Five Actions You Can Take to Help Win a Just Transition!

Five Actions You Can Take to Help Win a Just Transition!

Not only is the transition to a clean-energy economy a major opportunity to create new jobs, but it also presents workers with a new opportunity to form cooperative workplaces, secure stronger rights for working people, and build sustainable industries.Here’s a list of five actions you can take to help win a just transition!

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Video: Knocking Down the Lies of the Asbestos Lobby

Video: Knocking Down the Lies of the Asbestos Lobby

Our Campaign Coordinator Phillip Hazelton was interviewed on The World about the misinformation campaign that the asbestos lobby has launched in South East Asia. Watch the interview to see Phillip knock down the lies of the asbestos lobby!

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