Latest News

Latest news from APHEDA’s overseas projects, campaigns and events

Blow to asbestos in Asia Pacific countries

Blow to asbestos in Asia Pacific countries

In the first agreement of its kind, 14 countries of the Asia Pacific region including major asbestos-user countries like India, Indonesia, Vietnam and Thailand, have agreed to work together to ‘prevent asbestos-related diseases and to promote transition from the use of asbestos to safer alternative products’.  

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Consultant Evaluator Needed

The evaluation of the Asbestos: Not Here, Not Anywhere campaign will assist the APHEDA Board in planning and consider possible future program actions and priorities.

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APHEDA People: Jacqueline King

APHEDA People: Jacqueline King

Jacqueline King is the General Secretary of the Queensland Council of Unions. She has been a member of Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA for 11 years.

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Vale Olfat Mahmoud

Dr Olfat Mahmoud died at home on 24 September. She was a leading, and much-loved, advocate for the rights of Palestinians, women, refugees, children, and people with disabilities.

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