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Latest news from APHEDA’s overseas projects, campaigns and events

Five things … about the Rotterdam Convention

Five things … about the Rotterdam Convention

Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA is going to be talking a lot about the Rotterdam Convention in the lead up to this year’s meeting in April 2017. So what is the Rotterdam Convention, and why is it so important in the global fight against asbestos? Our Executive Officer, Kate Lee, takes us through the top five things to know in the lead up to Rotterdam 2017.

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Politics in the Club Canberra

Politics in the Club Canberra

On the 22 March, Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA ran a social event in Canberra to raise awareness among local unionists of the Asbestos. Not Here, Not Anywhere campaign. Supported and hosted by the CFMEU ACT Branch, our first Politics in the Club was a great...

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Rajendra’s Story

Rajendra’s Story

Rajendra is a victim of the global asbestos industry. He’s taking the voice of victims of asbestos-related diseases to the Rotterdam Convention meeting.

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Five things … about the Rotterdam Convention

Five things … about Australia’s Foreign Policy

Our government has been asking Australians to have their say about our foreign affairs policy. Here’s a few ideas!   Inequality – it’s on the rise, here at home and around the world. In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, the wealth of the super-rich has...

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Through the Eyes of Women

Through the Eyes of Women

In November 2016, the Karen Women’s Organisation released their first ‘Situation Update’, an in-depth report on recent events and the effect on women, refugees and communities living on the Thai-Myanmar border, inside Karen State and also in greater Myanmar.

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Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA People: Meet Carolina

Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA People: Meet Carolina

This month we spoke with Carolina Leiva from south-west Sydney. Carolina is a nurse and an organiser for the NSW Nurses & Midwives Association who has a very personal commitment to anti-asbestos advocacy.

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