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Latest news from APHEDA’s overseas projects, campaigns and events

Civil society remains outspoken as democratic space in Cambodia shrinks

Civil society remains outspoken as democratic space in Cambodia shrinks

Democratic space in Cambodia has shrunk further with the passing of controversial changes to Cambodia’s Law on Political Parties on 15 February.

The Cambodian National Assembly has approved legislation prohibiting those convicted of crimes from leading political parties, and allows the Ministry of the Interior to dissolve political parties that threaten “national unity”. It also prevents political parties from accepting donations from overseas, a clause designed to curb the influence of the Cambodian diaspora.

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Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA People: Meet Suha

Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA People: Meet Suha

This month we introduce you to Suha. Suha El-Yassir is a Palestinian refugee who works with the Palestinian Women’s Humanitarian Organisation (PWHO) and has been integral in building the Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA-funded projects for women and children in Lebanon.

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VGCL, ACTU and APHEDA: Transforming Vietnam

VGCL, ACTU and APHEDA: Transforming Vietnam

Vietnam is a country in transition. Since 1975, Vietnam has been seeking to build a better life for its people and to rebuild after the devastation of over 100 years of colonialism and war. As of March 2018, trade union rights will be strengthened. The Vietnam General Confederation of Labour (VGCL) is making changes which will allow it to survive and thrive in the new environment.

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Women’s Right to Inherit Land in Palestine

Women’s Right to Inherit Land in Palestine

On this International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, we highlight action to support women's right to land. In Palestine, legislation and Sharia provide women the right to own and dispose of property independently of men in their family. However women...

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