Solidarity in Action:
Our Projects

Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA, as the global justice organisation of the Australian union movement, works to support stronger union and social movements in thirteen locations in Southeast Asia, the Pacific, the Middle East, and Southern Africa. We do that by working in partnership with thirty-nine local unions and community organisations through thirty projects and campaigns.

Our approach to development and movement-building work is centred in values of partnership, solidarity, equality, justice, and accountability.

We provide on-the-ground assistance which aims to address the causes of injustice and inequality, not the symptoms.

We support organised movements of people to make their own change possible, by exerting political pressure for just and sustainable solutions.

We recognise our solidarity with the working classes and marginalised people of the Global South and stand with them, as together we struggle for a better world.

We seek to deploy funds in effective and strategic ways, with accountability to partner organisations, funding bodies and our own members.

Here are some of the projects and campaigns we undertake in collaboration with communities in our region and beyond:

By working to support strong movements of people, we can fight inequality and corporate greed. History shows us we can demand a just world.

Kate Lee

Executive Officer, Union Aid Abroad - APHEDA

To learn more about how we put our solidarity into action, take a look at the 2023 Annual Report, where you can read about our partnerships and projects, the activism and advocacy of our members, and the progress of our campaign to ban asbestos across Asia.

With the support of the Australia Middle East NGO Cooperation Agreement Program – Phase Three (AMENCA 3), APHEDA works with farmers and small businesses on the Gaza Strip to enhance their access to markets and market information as part of
Based in Northern Thailand, School for Shan State Nationalities Youth (SSSNY) has been building the capacity of ethnic minority youth living in nearby Shan State to engage in social justice programs for over 20 years.
This year marks the end of APHEDA’s 20-year partnership with PAFPI, and is an opportunity to look back on strong achievements over the many years of collaboration.
Cambodian Government representatives, employers and trade unions have come together to ramp up awareness about the dangers of using materials containing the deadly asbestos fibre in the country
WWCTL received the Prime Ministers’ Award in the category of strong advocacy on behalf of its members.
LFTU continues to organise workers in the private sector despite COVID-19 setbacks.
In the context of COVID 19 and increasing pressure on resources along the border, MTC’s role in providing quality care has been critical.
Without urgent action and a waiver on intellectual property rights (TRIPS Waiver), unequal access to COVID-19 vaccines is set to further entrench global inequality and prolong the pandemic for all of us.
In July 2021, rioting in South Africa, particularly around Durban and Johannesburg, shows the desperation of millions of people as the climate and COVID crises cause unrest.

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