The Rotterdam Convention needs urgent reform to list asbestos as a hazardous substance. Read more
The last 12 months has been massive for CoPower. Here is what has been achieved since Powershop sold out to Shell. Read more
Jannette Armstrong is the Executive Director of Farms campaigning with the United Workers Union. She has been a member of Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA for nine years and is a member of the APHEDA board. Read more
Myanmar Campaign Network (MCN) welcomes the release of Australian academic Sean Turnell from prison in Myanmar, alongside other political prisoners. Read more
After 22 years, the partnership between Positive Action Foundation Philippines and Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA has come to an end. Read more
The 5th International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) World Congress was held in Melbourne from November 17-22. Read more
With over 350 attendees from across the union movement, the APHEDA dinner in Sydney this year was a great success. Read more
Kate was a staunch trade unionist, educator, internationalist and feminist. She worked as a volunteer with APHEDA in Cambodia. Read more
Recent acts of extreme violence have shocked the international community and raised new concerns on the lack of international community action against the junta. Read more

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