Phil O'Donoghue is the Media Officer at UnionsWA and has been an APHEDA member for six years. In this interview, he tells us why building internationalism is important. Read more
A project in the first half of this year helped 50 women build up their home-based businesses in Palestine. Read more
Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA and CTUHR are working together to educate and build the power of Filipino workers to understand the impacts of the climate crisis, and support workers to mobilise for collective climate justice campaigns. Read more
In areas surrounding asbestos factories, broken asbestos roof sheets are being dumped in open paddock where farming communities plant rice and grow home gardens. Read more
Farmers in Timor Leste have established a fifth union that is working towards food sovereignty, sustainable development, agrarian reform and a democratic voice for rural communities. Read more
Australia’s ambassador to Cambodia, Mr. Pablo Kang, helped launch the 2nd Cambodian National Asbestos Profile at an event in Phnom Penh held in early October. Read more
A social reception will be held for Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA's foreign partner organisations that will be in Australia for the International Trade Union Confederation World Congress in Melbourne. Read more
Australia Western Sahara Association is delighted to present a screening of the award-winning film, Life is Waiting: Referendum and Resistance in Western Sahara, followed by a panel discussion. Read more
Sean Turnell’s three-year prison sentence is further evidence that Australia’s soft approach to Myanmar’s military junta isn’t working. The Labor government must now act on calls made whilst in opposition. Read more

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