May 1 is a fitting time to show your support for global solidarity by buying a raffle ticket. All money raised helps APHEDA's purpose of building strong unions and social movements through more than 30 projects around the world.  Read more
Union Aid Abroad - APHEDA was awarded a high honour, the Lao Federation of Trade Unions Medal. Read more
APHEDA's partner organisation the Trade Union Care Centre in Indonesia ran trainings for trade union activists on COVID-19 prevention. Read more
APHEDA's lead organiser travels to workplaces talking about internationalism and the Australian union movement. Read more
Independent unions in Cambodia have presented a report to the International Labour Organization about the lack of democratic space inside the country. Read more
APHEDA's partner organisation the Mae Tao Clinic has been managing the critical risks that the COVID pandemic poses to staff and patients in Thailand. Read more
Vale Tom McDonald. He and his partner Audrey played a significant role in establishing Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA in the 1980s. Read more
May Day is a time to celebrate the union movement's achievements. Join a May Day 2022 event by checking out this list of rallies and marches near you. Read more
Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA seeks to examine in-depth the work of a three-year project and our ongoing strategic relationship with the Working Women's Centre of Timor Leste. Read more

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