A project to increase women’s participation in political life has been renewed in Vietnam. Read more
Workers’ World Media Productions broadcasts weekly on 30 community radio stations in five languages, enabling popular education around working class issues. Read more
Show your solidarity with global justice and workers’ rights by buying a ticket in the raffle today. Read more
Heath care giant Johnson & Johnson is facing multiple crises after it was found the company’s talcum powder was sometimes tainted with carcinogenic asbestos. Read more
Australian unionists gathered outside the Ukrainian consulate in Sydney and the Ukrainian embassy in Canberra as part of an international day of solidarity. Read more
Michael Wright is the assistant national secretary of the Electrical Trades Union (ETU) and an APHEDA Board member. Read more
The repression of unions in Cambodia is attracting international attention. Read more
Students walked out of class and attended protests at 35 locations around Australia on March 25 as part of the global School Strike 4 Climate day of action. Read more
The asbestos industry is in decline, but thousands of tonnes of asbestos-containing materials still pour into Asia. Read more

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