Burmese migrant workers won a huge victory after fighting for lost wages. They were being paid less than a dollar an hour, making clothes and toys for Starbucks, Disney and NBC. Read more
Mark Lennon is a Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA board member and has been involved in the organisation for more than 17 years. Read more
The Karen Women’s Organisation provided aid to internally displaced peoples suffering from escalating violence. Read more
Australian unionists and Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA held a rally at the Cambodian embassy in Canberra on February 7 to show solidarity with striking workers in Cambodia. Read more
The only way to avoid a prolonged pandemic is through making vaccinations widely available so no new variants are able to emerge. Read more
A new report produced by Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA and ALTSEAN Burma has described how the military junta has “shattered” Myanmar’s economy. Read more
Delfia Pereira has been elected president of the Manufahi Municipality Farmers Union at its inaugural congress in Timor Leste. Read more
We interview Godfrey Moase from CoPower, a cooperative electricity provider that directs a portion of its funds to community projects. Read more
Twelve months following the military coup in Myanmar, the economy is in freefall with almost half of its population now in poverty according to the UNDP Read more

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