Annual General Meeting 2016

Annual General Meeting 2016

Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 12th December from 5:30 – 7:00 pm in the Unions NSW Executive Board Room, Level 3, Trades Hall, 377-383 Sussex Street, Sydney. All members are welcome to attend.

Hope Growing Among the Produce

Hope Growing Among the Produce

A new Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA project aims to improve the lives of Timor-Leste’s farmers. The nation’s farmers stand at an important cross road in the country’s development. Project Officer – Vietnam, Cambodia & Lao PDR Karine Laroche explains how organising farmers can lift the standard of living for an entire nation.

Ramping Up The Fight On Asbestos

Ramping Up The Fight On Asbestos

Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA’s Executive Officer Kate Lee knows all too well why asbestos continues to be discovered on Australian building sites so many years after bans on the material were put in place. This month she updates us on how APHEDA is tackling this...

Five things… to be proud of

This month Deputy EO and International Programs Manager, Ken Davis, shares five movement building moments from Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA’s history. We can be very proud of the part we play in supporting unions and allied movements to bring about substantial change.

Supporting women’s independence, rights and education

Supporting women’s independence, rights and education

This month, Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA looks at projects we support that are focused on women and gender equality. From leadership skills in refugee camps on the Thai-Burma border to domestic violence campaigns in Vietnam and raising awareness of the dangers of asbestos

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