In August, APHEDA supporters gathered to celebrate women leaders within the union movement and our global solidarity projects in Timor Leste, Myanmar, and on the Thai-Burma border. Read more
With the support of the Australia Middle East NGO Cooperation Agreement Program – Phase Three (AMENCA 3), APHEDA works with farmers and small businesses on the Gaza Strip to enhance their access to markets and market information as part of the Ghalleh Project. Read more
Based in Northern Thailand, School for Shan State Nationalities Youth (SSSNY) has been building the capacity of ethnic minority youth living in nearby Shan State to engage in social justice programs for over 20 years. Read more
This year marks the end of APHEDA’s 20-year partnership with PAFPI, and is an opportunity to look back on strong achievements over the many years of collaboration. Read more
Meet Dr Lachlan Clohesy, long-time APHEDA member and ACT Division Secretary of the NTEU. Read more
Cambodian Government representatives, employers and trade unions have come together to ramp up awareness about the dangers of using materials containing the deadly asbestos fibre in the country Read more
Meet Deb Nicholls, long-time APHEDA member and volunteer trade union education on projects in the Mekong. Read more
WWCTL received the Prime Ministers’ Award in the category of strong advocacy on behalf of its members. Read more
LFTU continues to organise workers in the private sector despite COVID-19 setbacks. Read more

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