Despite serious setbacks in 2021, the Working Women's Centre of Timor Leste continue to campaign for and win rights for Domestic Workers. Read more
In June 2021, a petition supporting a WTO Vaccine Waiver was handed over outside the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Sydney. Read more
In February 2021, the Myanmar military staged a coup in Myanmar. Although the coup may see an increase in sexual violence, this is nothing new for women in Myanmar. Read more
June 2021 Myanmar Update: ILO Resolution and Free Women Political Prisoners in Myanmar campaign launched on Aung San Suu Kyi’s Birthday (19 June 2021) Read more
Building the capacities of farmer and worker organisations to respond to the pandemic and floods. Read more
Donate today to help APHEDA’s partner organisations in Myanmar and on the Thai-Myanmar border stay strong as they resist military oppression and build political power during the crisis. Read more
Nearly two months after the devastating Easter Sunday floods, Timor Leste is rebuilding while trying to control the spread of COVID-19. Read more
On Friday 7 May 2021, two hundred APHEDA supporters came together in Melbourne for the Painters and Dockers Solidarity Concert for Timor Leste. Read more
On 21 May 2021, APHEDA joined young people across Australia to demand real and immediate action to avoid catastrophic global heating. Read more

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