A groundbreaking legal battle is underway in Indonesia to safeguard the health of both workers and consumers against the dangers of asbestos. Campaign organisations dedicated to eliminating asbestos-related diseases have taken a bold step by filing a case with the Supreme Court. Read more
Reports from Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA's partner organisations indicate the stressful situation on the ground, with young civilians panicking and seeking to leave the country in masses to avoid serving in the military which many of them have protested against. Read more
Timorese working women have achieved better working conditions through the Working Women Centre Timor Leste (WWCTL) as many were living and working outside of any social protections as informal workers. WWCTL’s members have been inspired by this collective action to form a domestic workers union – to become the first of its kind in Timor-Leste.  Read more
When women workers unite, the forces for change become stronger. Let's join hands in our respective territories, working together in solidarity for a more just, equal, and discrimination-free society. Read more
Four in five Australians are in favour of a ceasefire in Gaza (81%), and a majority (53%) support the Australian Government taking more action to achieve that goal, new polling has found. Read more
With your generous donations, we have successfully raised over $600K for our partner organisation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, the MA’AN Development Center, which, despite the worsening humanitarian crisis, continues to deliver emergency relief aid to the Gaza Strip. Read more
A recent report released by Justice For Myanmar exposes 10 Australian-affiliated companies that have maintained operations in Myanmar even after the 2021 coup attempt. Their continued presence supports the junta through shared profits and tax contributions and provides essential services that keep the mining sector active. Read more
In the first agreement of its kind, 14 countries of the Asia Pacific region including major asbestos-user countries like India, Indonesia, Vietnam and Thailand, have agreed to work together to ‘prevent asbestos-related diseases and to promote transition from the use of asbestos to safer alternative products’.   Read more

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