On 27 April, the anniversary of the first democratic elections in South Africa in 1994, Bob Hawke officially opened an exhibition on the history of the Australian anti-Apartheid movement at the Museum of Australian Democracy in old Parliament House in Canberra. Read more
Bono is the general secretary of SERBUK, an Indonesian trade union based in West Java. It was only after working in an asbestos roof sheeting factory for 17 years that Bono learned asbestos was in fact dangerous – “We never knew. The factory owners told us it was safe”. Read more
Applications are being sought from Timorese media makers for independent journalism fellowships. The Fellowships will provide up to $5000 USD | Aplikasaun ne’e buka husi produtores mídia Timor-oan ba parseria jurnalizmu independenti. Read more
By Kate Lee, Executive Officer of Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA The Rana Plaza building collapse of April 24, 2013 rocked the Global North. 1,138 people killed and over 2,500 injured or left with disabilities. It left us all in horror and with so many questions: Read more
This month ACTU President and Deputy Chair of Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA, Ged Kearney, launched the Health Supply Chain initiative. Here is an extract from her powerful speech. “Something is fundamentally wrong with the way that the world is doing business. Global GDP has tripled ... Read more

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