In Australia, we are aware of the suffering many workers have endured, which is why we've joined forces with our brothers and sisters in Laos and Vietnam to improve diagnostic capacity.
In Australia, we are aware of the suffering many workers have endured, which is why we've joined forces with our brothers and sisters in Laos and Vietnam to improve diagnostic capacity.
A significant victory for our Ban Asbestos campaign has been achieved in Indonesia again. The Jakarta Health Office has declared a ban on asbestos in homes, citing its severe health risks to residents. 
The Indonesian campaign against asbestos has achieved a landmark victory in a recent Supreme Court case advocating for mandatory labelling of asbestos-containing materials, highlighting the risks of exposure.
A delegation representing Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA partner organisations and staff from Laos, Cambodia, and Indonesia recently participated in the 2024 Asbestos Conference in Melbourne.
In the first agreement of its kind, 14 countries of the Asia Pacific region including major asbestos-user countries like India, Indonesia, Vietnam and Thailand, have agreed to work together to ‘prevent asbestos-related diseases and to promote transition from the use
The evaluation of the Asbestos: Not Here, Not Anywhere campaign will assist the APHEDA Board in planning and consider possible future program actions and priorities.
There has been a very significant decrease in the asbestos roof sheet market in Vietnam in the past 10 years.
Union Aid Abroad - APHEDA prepared this factsheet as an information resource for policy dialogue for the elimination of asbestos-related diseases.

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