Breathless: Indonesian Asbestos Workers Speak Out

Breathless: Indonesian Asbestos Workers Speak Out

Kuswoyo, a 48-year-old father of two, worked at an asbestos factory in Cibinong, Bogor, Indonesia, for 28 years. Each day, he would mix sacks of raw asbestos and polymers with his bare hands to create asbestos insulation thread. “We didn’t wear gloves, and we had no masks, even though a notice on the wall said to, they were not provided,” he said. 

Corporate Bullies: Asbestos manufacturers sue ban asbestos campaigners

Corporate Bullies: Asbestos manufacturers sue ban asbestos campaigners

Following a historic win in the Indonesian Supreme Court earlier this year by the Indonesian ban asbestos network, which resulted in a court order for all asbestos materials to display health warning labelling, asbestos roof sheet manufacturers in Indonesia are suing all those who brought the case to the Supreme Court for damages.  

Migrant workers: The fight against asbestos exposure

Migrant workers: The fight against asbestos exposure

Migrant workers are particularly vulnerable to asbestos exposure due to their socio-economic conditions. They often work in high-risk sectors, such as construction and demolition, under unsafe conditions that others might avoid. Known as the “3Ds”—Dirty, Dangerous, and Demanding—these jobs often come with lower pay, longer hours, and complex, risky tasks. 

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