Australia Western Sahara Association is delighted to present our first live event post COVID-19 – a screening of the award-winning film, Life is Waiting: Referendum and Resistance in Western Sahara, followed by a panel discussion.

Partners in the eventANU Film Group, ANU Law Reform and Social Justice and the ANU Latin American Students’ Association.

FREE EVENT  All are welcome

Register for the screening here:



Kambri Cultural Centre
ANU Building 153
Tangney Road
Acton, ACT 2601

Date:  Tuesday 25 October 2022

Time: Film screening 7.30pm – 8.30pm

Pre-screening reception

Time: 6.30 pm at Badger & Co (adjacent to Kambri  Cultural Centre).

Complimentary food and drinks. All welcome

The screening will be followed by a panel discussion. Panellists will examine developments since the film was made in 2015, the nature of Saharawi resistance and why, for generations of Saharawi, colonialism has never ended.

Kamal Fadel, Western Sahara Representative to Australia and roving Ambassador to the South Pacific.
Professor Matt Qvortrup, an expert on referendums, secessionist movements and the creation of states. His forthcoming book is called I Want to Break Free: a practical guide to making a new country (Manchester University Press, 2022).
Associate Professor Ntina Tvouvala, whose work focuses on political economy, history and theory of international law, and whose book Capitalism as Civilisation: A History of International Law (Cambridge University Press, 2020) has received several awards.
Moderator: Lyn Allison, President, Australia Western Sahara Association, Former Leader of the Australian Democrats

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