Our Approach
Dignity at work, social justice, economic equality
We work to achieve this through strong unions and social movements, sustainable development programs, global solidarity and support in times of crisis.
Our Values

Our approach is rooted in solidarity. Solidarity that builds connections between people and across borders, as key to building organised movements for equality, development and justice. Our on-the-ground assistance aims to address the causes of injustice and inequality, not the symptoms

Equality & Justice
We challenge the dominant myths of development aid. Charity and depoliticised humanitarian assistance can sis inadequate in addressing the root causes of poverty and injustice. Conservative or autocratic governments and corporations create a world in their own image, where the wealth and power of the global ‘one percent’ grows hand-over-fist. Our work centers on the demands of the 99%.

Movement Building
We help build democratic civil society, social justice movements, and representative organisations of workers, women, farmers, young people, people with disabilities, refugees, and others – so they can define and fight for their rights and against power structures that seek to oppress them. Organised movements of people make change possible, by exerting political pressure for just solutions.

We aim to be accountable to the local organisations we work with internationally and the people they serve, to our members, to the Australian union movement, government and donors. We are fully accountable for the funds we receive. We seek the most effective and strategic way to deploy funding – by addressing causes not symptoms – and involve partner organisations in reviewing programs while working for continual improvement.

Working in partnership is the cornerstone of our approach. We aim for joint action with local partner organisations directed at meeting practical needs with movements on the ground – by supporting the building blocks that enable movements to emerge or become stronger, such as organisation, campaign capacity, education, research, and skills development.
Do Global Justice. The Union Way.
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