Take action: Timorese security workers dismissed without their entitlements

News Post

Sep 14, 2016


Take action: Timorese security workers dismissed without their entitlements

Last month, over 100 security workers were dismissed from Gardarmour Security, a company owned by East Timor’s top businessman, Eduardo Belo.

On Tuesday 13 September 2016, members of the General Workers Union of Timor Leste (SJT-TL) voted to take strike action on Monday 19 September. Workers are angry that Gardarmor Security – one of Timor’s most profitable private companies – sacked over 100 security guards without paying them their entitlements.  SJT-TL General Secretary, Almerio Vila Nova, has reached out to the Australian union movement requesting solidarity.

Sign our petition to demand Eduardo Belo honour his commitments and pay security workers their entitlements

Almerio’s message is strong and impassioned. He invites everyone who believes in global justice to contact to take action and request that Eduardo Belo honour his commitments to the Gardarmor Security workers under Timorese labour law.

Please sign and share the petition amongst your networks.

We will keep you updated on the strike action.

Image: Timorese security workers vote to strike.