Myanmar Infographics – Worker’s Rights and the Ready Made Garment Sector under Martial Law

News Post

Aug 13, 2021


Myanmar Infographics – Worker’s Rights and the Ready Made Garment Sector under Martial Law

Aug 13, 2021

Infographics by APHEDA and Mondiaal FNV – July 2021:  Since the military coup on 1 February, the military junta continues to arrest trade unionists, union leaders and violate worker’s rights. Here are two infographics highlighting Worker’s Rights Violations and the Outlook of Myanmar’s Ready Made Garment Industry under martial law.


Stand with Myanmar

The military coup in Myanmar on Monday 1 February 2021 has sent shockwaves throughout the world. We are witnessing the rapid disintegration of democratic transition and a return to full military control. The country has already been suffering as a result of the global economic crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. Given the precarious situation of the country, this coup will have further negative impacts on the lives of people in Myanmar and along the Thai-Myanmar border.

Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA has stood with civil society organisations, trade unions and activists in Myanmar and on the Thai-Myanmar border for over 25 years as they have struggled for peace and democracy.

We must continue to stand with them now.

By making a donation today, you will help APHEDA’s partner organisations in Myanmar and on the Thai-Myanmar border stay strong as they resist military oppression and build political power during the crisis. For our partner organisations in Myanmar, it is crucial that they retain the successful movement-building work they have already achieved and that they are equipped with the resources they need to operate under a state of military oppression. They are in for a long struggle ahead and will need to increase their organising, advocacy and education on the ground. On the Thai-Myanmar border, our partner organisations are dealing with an urgent humanitarian crisis as the airstrikes intensify and people are displaced.