Support the fight for gender equality in Cambodia

News Post

Jun 15, 2023

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Jun 15, 2023

In Cambodia, many women face challenges at work every day due to their gender.

Forty percent of construction workers in Cambodia are women, but the jobs are precarious. Women are often given the most difficult and poorly paid tasks and are denied opportunities for training and career growth. It’s the same for women working in the food and service industry and the informal economy. On top of these challenges, they also face sexual harassment and violence, which makes it even harder for them to support themselves and their families.

Recognising the urgent need for change, Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA has launched an end-of-financial-year appeal to support their project with women workers in Cambodia.

APHEDA is working together with three unions — the Building Woodworker Trade Unions Cambodia (BWTUC), Cambodian Food and Service Workers Federation (CFSWF), and Independent Democracy Employees Association (IDEA) — to promote gender equality within unions and improve the rights of women at work.

Women have historically been excluded from union leadership even though they make up the majority of union members and are active in strikes and demonstrations.

The BWTUC, CFSWF, and IDEA are taking steps to address these challenges. They have created a plan to promote gender equality within their unions. This includes establishing women’s committees and implementing quotas to ensure women’s voices are heard and valued. By involving women in decision-making processes, these unions are making sure their concerns and perspectives are taken seriously.

They are committed to building the skills and knowledge of women workers within their unions. These efforts have shown promising results, with women activists taking on leadership roles in local activities. The BWTUC has also elected its first female Vice President.

The fight for gender equality among women workers in Cambodia is an urgent call to action. By standing together and making a one-time donation, you can help bring about real change. Your contribution will enable training programs, raise awareness about workplace harassment, and advocate for policies that support gender equality.

Join us today to standing with the women workers of Cambodia.

Union Aid Abroad supports the Women Worker’s Rights through Stronger Trade Unions project in partnership with the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).