Consultant Evaluator Needed

News Post

Nov 21, 2023


Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA


Evaluation Outline

Asbestos. Not Here Not Anywhere.

Eliminating Asbestos Related Diseases SE Asia 2020-2024

Draft Terms of Reference

Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA was established in 1984 by the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) as the Australian union movement’s international social justice organisation. Our purpose is working globally in partnership for the achievement of dignity at work, social justice, economic equality and the realisation of human rights.

We work to achieve this through strong unions and social movements, sustainable development programs, global solidarity and support in times of crisis. We work through local partner organisations and unions in Southeast Asia, the Pacific, the Middle East and southern Africa.

History of APHEDA’s Asbestos. Not Here, Not Anywhere work

Chrysotile asbestos is currently banned in 67 countries and Territories and in recent decades asbestos exporters have focused on new markets in developing and transition countries in Asia. Exposure to asbestos fibre, common in roof sheet and many other products causes a range of diseases and fatalities in particular lung cancer and mesothelioma. In countries of high per capita consumption this leads to significant health, economic and social impacts 2 to 4 decades later.

Australia has one of the highest mesothelioma rates in the world, based on our high consumption of asbestos last century. The ban in Australia in 2003 and the winning of compensation for victims, were won after hard fought campaigns led by the union movement and victims.

Based on this legacy, Union Aid Abroad APHEDA first started in 2010 in Vietnam to raise asbestos hazard awareness. The scope extended to Laos in 2011, then to Cambodia in 2014 and Indonesia in 2015. The program has had a strong regional component since 2015/16, connecting networks and expertise across the Asia-Pacific region (including Australian expertise) to our partners in those 4 countries.

A new regional project was commenced in 2017 to take advantages of synergies between countries (e.g., needs of the ban networks) and common elements in the project relevant to all countries (e.g., development of national profiles and action plans to eliminate Asbestos Related Diseases).

The project has sought to raise awareness of exposure to asbestos and its health implications among those at risk as well as policy makers charged with regulating its trade and use in 3 Mekong countries and Indonesia.

In 2019 an external mid-term evaluation was conducted by a consultant based in Australia. The overall positive evaluation included a range of recommendations that were considered and responded too. The COVID pandemic in 2020-2021 in particular had serious impacts on the campaign, reducing the scope of possible activities and also forcing transitioning of others online. Several other reviews and evaluations of specific aspects of the program have also been conducted in recent years including in regard Gender inclusion, Cambodia and Laos components.

Significant progress has been achieved in these 4 countries in terms of raising awareness of the deadly continued use of asbestos and recommended policy responses. This includes promoting WHO and ILO recommendations in developing a roadmap to eliminate these asbestos related diseases by first identifying the extent of the usage through the development of a national asbestos profile and then National action plan to eliminate ARD. Awareness raising in the form of civil society action groups being supported to advocate for policy reform, in the form of bringing international experience to policy makers of both the expected impacts on continued use of asbestos, on alternative safe products, on safe disposal systems of asbestos waste.

APHEDA works with implementing partners in each of the 4 countries and maintains offices in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.

In addition, significant gains have been made at a regional and global level in regard to awareness and action to reduce asbestos related diseases.

Vietnam and Indonesia have consumed over 1 million tons of asbestos in the last 30 years each. This level of consumption is estimated by the Global Burden of Disease study to already be causing 2000 cancers per year in Vietnam and 1,600 in Indonesia. Laos is a newer consumer country whose consumption rose quickly a decade ago while Cambodia exposure risks are mainly though asbestos containing materials (ACM).

The project has sought to promote awareness of the hazards of exposure to asbestos and to advocate to ban asbestos, encourage countries to transition out of the use of this deadly fibre, manage remaining asbestos in the environment to minimize exposure, as well as promote regional and global action including to reform the Rotterdam Convention to see chrysotile being listed onto the convention, restrict financing of ACM by regional banks in Asia and include asbestos action in a regional trade agreement for the first time.

The current project to be evaluated concerns the program covering the period 2020-2024.

The project has been supported directly in Australia by Australian trade union funding, by Australian Aid and by the Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency. APHEDA is a partner in ASEA’s Strategic Plan Priority 4.

Technical support and cooperation have been received in Australia from ASEA, the ACTU and trade unions and the Asbestos Dust Diseases Research Institute (ADDRI).

The program has also built up a strong network of international donors and technical collaborators including the ILO, WHO, Solidarity Centre/USAID, ITUC, BWI, MISEREOR Germany, the International Ban Asbestos Secretariat and Asia Ban Asbestos Network (ABAN), Asia Monitor Resource Centre (AMRC), Solidar Suisse and Right on Canada.

The Asbestos. Not Here Not Anywhere. Campaign Strategy document details more detailed information including:

  • Global burden of Asbestos Related Diseases
  • Asbestos Industry lobby and asbestos producing countries
  • Australian Experience and ILO WHO positions.
  • National ban campaigns
  • Global Trade Unions
  • Rotterdam Convention


Purpose of the evaluation

This evaluation is occurring as the 8th year of the campaign and as the APHEDA board considers the future of the campaign. The results of the evaluation will assist the APHEDA Board in planning and consider possible future program actions and priorities.

The evaluation will review progress and impacts in Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia and regionally against the objectives and key markers and theories of change developed. The evaluation will review reports, evaluations and other related documents to seek to identify the role the program has played, and outcomes achieved.

The evaluation will also seek feedback from partners in SE Asia and Australia on outcomes for them, the perceived quality of APHEDA’s engagement with them, support to coordination and technical inputs provided to them or through them.

The evaluation will be led by an external consultant but will engage local consultants where necessary to undertake surveys and collect data and information from partner organisations and others.

Objectives of the campaign

‘Asbestos. Not Here Not Anywhere.’

Original objectives 2017-2019

1/Win country ban announcements in at least three countries in Southeast Asia

2/ Reform the voting process at the Rotterdam Convention.

3/Help secure a regulatory regime in Australia which can more effectively block imported goods containing asbestos.

4/Build membership for Union Aid Abroad and increase union and community support.

Project Goal and Objectives 2020-2024

Goal: Contribute to banning asbestos in South-East Asia and reducing future asbestos related diseases, with a primary focus on Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Indonesia
Specific Objectives: 1/ Civil society networks strengthened and advocating bans on asbestos and future ARD reduction in 4 countries
  2/Specific planning and regulation support to asbestos bans achieved in all 4 countries


  3/ Strengthened global regulation of trade in asbestos and asbestos containing materials (ACM)



Evaluation objectives

  1. Assess outcomes and impacts of the campaign in target countries, regionally and globally. Specifically:
  • Reach and effectiveness of awareness raising components including media/social media and events`
  • changes to consumption of asbestos that can be reasonably regarded as being contributed to by the campaign.
  • listing national, regional or global policies, regulations, agreement or plans in the target area of the campaign, related to asbestos exposure risk reduction and bans.
  • evidence of strengthened regional or global level alliances and action attributable to the program.
  • the contribution of movement-building in achieving these outcomes
  • the programs contribution to ASEA’s Priority 4
  • An outline of the campaign’s contribution to DFAT’s development priorities and ACTU International program.
  1. Make recommendations on possible next steps for the campaign.

Evaluation questions

  1. In terms of effectiveness:
    1. In which areas has the program been successful?
    2. What strategies have proved most successful?
    3. What has been the perceived quality of APHEDA’s engagement with partners, coordination, and technical inputs?
  2. In terms of relevance: How relevant is this campaign in terms of need and to partners?
  3. In terms of efficiency and long-term impact:
    1. How has the program performed in terms of value for money?
    2. Is it bringing sustainable long-term change (behavior, policy, systems)?
    3. How has the program engaged with networks and stakeholders?
    4. What are the lessons learned between country campaigns on asbestos banning and eliminating ARD?
  4. In terms of cross-cutting issues: How does the campaign engage and contribute too:
    1. Gender equality
    2. Disability inclusion
    3. Child protection
    4. Environmental safeguard
    5. OSH


The evaluation is planned as an outcome evaluation. This evaluation will measure the campaign results and determine what level of change the campaign and strategy approach produced in regard reducing consumption of ACM and exposure risks for workers and community as well as policy reform on chrysotile asbestos movement building and capacity of partners.

The evaluation will focus on reviewing existing documentation with scope for verification interviews and surveys. Documentation available includes media, reports and evaluations from each country. Interviews or surveys with partners in all 4 countries via local consultants or zoom interview as well as other relevant stakeholders. It is not planned for the evaluating consultant to travel personally to project sites.

Expected output

  • a methodology and plan for the evaluation submitted,
  • a draft evaluation reports.
  • a final report

The final report should include the following chapters and be no more than 25 pages plus Annexes:

  • Executive summary
  • Description of methods used (and limitations)
  • findings of the study in regard objectives and outcomes as outlined.
  • Lessons learned.
  • Recommendations



Advertisement for consultancy November 15 2023
Submission of offers December 8th
Selection of consultant(s) December 20th 2023
Evaluation data collection January/February
Submission of draft evaluation report March 10th   2024
Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA provides comments on draft report March 14th 2024
Submission of final report March 21st   2024



APHEDA will assist facilitate the consultant(s) work in particular with regards to the organisation of meetings and interviews. A budget for local interview consultants, if needed, should also be included.


Applications should include:

  • CV of evaluator(s)
  • An evaluation plan to include (no more than 5 pages):
    • Proposed methodology, scope
    • Planning/timetable
    • Budget (clearly indicating number of days)


Phillip Hazelton