Donate to ALTSEAN

News Post

Apr 5, 2016


Support ALTSEAN-Burma

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About ALTSEAN-Burma

ALTSEAN-Burma (Alternative ASEAN Network on Burma) is a network of organizations and individuals based in ASEAN member states working to support the movement for human rights and democracy in Burma. The network is comprised of human rights & social justice NGOs, political parties, think tanks, academics, journalists and student activists.

Make A Regular Donation

To set up a regular monthly donation to ALTSEAN, please call us on +61 2 9264 9343 or email

Contacting ALTSEAN-Burma
PO BOX 296 – Lardprao Post Office, 10310 Bangkok, Thailand
Phone : +66 81 850 9008
Fax : +66 2 275 4261


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Tax Deductibility

Donations of $2 and over to APHEDA’ s Overseas Project Fund Account are tax deductible. An official receipt for taxation purposes will be sent to the email you provide in this donation form.

Need Assistance?

If you require assistance with your donation or have any questions, please contact us at +61 2 9264 9343 or email