APHEDA raffle winners 2023

News Post

May 10, 2023


Thank you to everyone who supported Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA’s raffle this year. With your support, we sold an incredible $30,000 in tickets! We will use these funds to support our international solidarity programs — growing the collective power of workers, building climate justice campaigns and strengthening women’s rights.

We are excited to announce the first prize winner is Kelly Marks, a long-time APHEDA member from Sydney. Congratulations, Kelly on your new e-bike!

First Prize – Electric bike
K. Marks, NSW
Ticket 3656

Second Prize – $1500 Good Food gift card
M. Williams, QLD
Ticket 1288

Third Prize – $500 Gleebooks voucher
C. Hattam, NSW
Ticket 4189

Fourth Prize – $100 Union merch from WeAreUnion.org.au 
M. Smythe, ACT
Ticket 5358

Ticket seller’s prize – $500 Good Food gift card and $100 voucher from WeAreUnion.org.au
S. Chalmers, NSW