Asbestos Awareness Promoted in Laos

Jun 2, 2020


The heavy use of asbestos in South East Asia, and claims from the asbestos lobby group that it is ‘safe’, illustrates the importance of Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA’s campaign to ban asbestos in South East Asia, where asbestos consumption remains high, and where asbestos manufacturing continues. Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA is campaigning to support bans on asbestos in Vietnam, Laos, Indonesia, Cambodia, and across the region.

The following short films were made by the World Health Organisation (WHO) Regional Office for South-East Asia and the Asia Ban Asbestos Network to draw attention to the dangers of chrysotile exposure, and to explain how exposure to asbestos fibre causes asbestos-related diseases like lung cancer and mesothelioma.

The Asbestos: Not Here. Not Anywhere campaign in Laos has translated these videos to promote awareness of the dangers of asbestos in Laos. In recent years, Laos has been the heaviest consumer of asbestos in the world, per head of population.


Asbestos: Not here. Not Anywhere

The campaign to ban asbestos in Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Vietnam is supported by the solidarity of Australian unions and union members. By becoming a member of Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA, you will be helping our partner organisations secure an asbestos free future.

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