Asbestos and its impacts in Cambodia (Khmer language)

News Post

Jul 15, 2021

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Asbestos and its impacts in Cambodia (Khmer language)

Jul 15, 2021

The Asbestos Not Here Not Anywhere campaign has exciting news from Cambodia! With our partner the Building and Woodworkers Trade Union we have just completed the first asbestos awareness video in the Khmer language, with English subtitles, targeting construction workers, a high exposure risk group in Cambodia. The 10-minute video covers what are the exposure risks and asbestos diseases, as well as actions workers, their unions, employers, and governments can take to eliminate the risk. The video will be used in trade union awareness sessions for members as well as in events and media related to other campaign events. The video will be formally launched in Cambodia next month.


Join the Campaign to Ban Asbestos

We are building a movement of people in Australia to join with unionists and campaigners across South East Asia to support their struggle to ban asbestos and eliminate asbestos-related diseases. We want to secure an asbestos-free future because as long as asbestos is being used anywhere, it remains a risk everywhere.