Independent Journalism Funding Opportunity: Balibo Five—Roger East Fellowship

News Post

May 10, 2016


Independent Journalism Funding Opportunity: Balibo Five—Roger East Fellowship

Balibo five applications are due on 1st June 2016. | Aplikasaun ba Balibo Five sei loke to loron 1 fulan Junho 2016.

Independent Journalism Funding Opportunity: Balibo Five—Roger East Fellowship

Applications are being sought from Timorese media makers for independent journalism fellowships.

The Fellowships will provide up to $5000 USD in financial assistance to support long form and investigative journalism projects in East Timor which could otherwise not happen without this support.

Funding may be used for a stipend, travel and accommodation, living expenses, and study fees.

Each year one fellowship recipient will be invited to visit Australia for an internship in an Australian media organisation, or study in Australia.

The Balibo Five—Roger East Fellowship

The ‘Balibo Five-Roger East Fellowship’ is an initiative of the Australian media workers union, the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA) and APHEDA, the global justice organisation of the Australian Union movement.

The objectives of the fellowship are:

  • To improve the quality and skill of journalism in East Timor, particularly investigative journalism
  • To nurture a democratic free press in East Timor
  • To build links and solidarity between journalists in Australia and in East Timor
  • To honour the memory of journalists Greg Shackleton, Gary Cunningham, Tony Stewart, Malcolm Rennie, Brian Peters and Roger East, who were murdered by Indonesian armed forces in East Timor in 1975
Application Process

Applicants are required to submit a pitch no more than two pages in length that:

  • Articulates what topic/s they wish to explore with the assistance of the fellowship
  • Demonstrates a commitment to independent, quality reporting
  • How it will contribute to democracy and accountability (government, bureaucratic, individual or corporate) in East Timor
  • Outlines what they wish to gain from the fellowship, and how they will use any new skills and training they acquire in their work in East Timor.

Applications will be strictly confidential, and assessed by an advisory panel comprising of a representative nominated by MEAA, a representative nominated by APHEDA-Union Aid Abroad, and a representative nominated by the Balibo Five families.

Criteria for applicants:
  • A citizen of East Timor;
  • At least two years full-time experience as a journalist, media maker, or researcher either with a print or broadcast organisation, or as a proven freelancer;
  • Some fluency in English language (to be eligible for Australian study component);
  • Nomination supported by an appropriate organisation that agrees to release them from existing work for the duration of the fellowship, or otherwise support them to complete the fellowship;
  • Special consideration will be given to ensuring access of younger journalists (aged under 30) to the program

Please email your pitch in English, Bahasa or Tetum to APHEDA Timor Coordinator Elisabeth Araujo:

For more information contact Elisabeth by email, or on: +670 77232075


Oportunidade Finansiamentu Jurnalizmu Independenti : Balibo Five-Roger East Fellowship

Aplikasaun ne’e buka husi produtores mídia Timor-oan ba parseria jurnalizmu independenti.

Parseria ne’e sei fornese to’o US$5000  hodi ajuda iha finanseiru nian atu suporta ba forma naruk no ba projetu jurnalizmu investigativu iha Timór Leste ne’ebé mak sei la akontese ho dalan seluk se la’os ho suporta ne’e.

Fundus ne’e bele uza ba estipêdiu/saláriu, viajem no akomodasaun, despejas no propinas

Kada tinan bolsista ida sei hetan konvite atu ba vizita Austrália ba estájiu ida iha organizasaun mídia ida Australianu nian ou estuda iha Austrália.

The Balibo Five—Roger East Fellowship

‘Balibo Five-Roger East Fellowship’ ne’e nudar inisiativu ida husi uniaun traballador mídia Australianu, Mídia, Entretenimentu & Aliansa Arte (MEAA) no APHEDA, organizasaun justisa globál husi Movimentu Uniaun Australianu.

Objetivu husi parseria ne’e mak hanesan :

  • Atu hadi’ak kualidade no abilidade husi Jurnalizmu Timor Leste, partikularmente jurnalizmu investigativu
  • Atu fo nutrisaun imprensa demokrátika ida ne’ebe livre iha Timór Leste.
  • Atu harí rede no solidaridade entre jornalista sira iha Austrália no iha Timór Leste.
  • Atu hanoin hikas fali memoria journalista Australia matebian Greg Shackleton , Gary Cunningham , Tony Stewart , Malcolm Rennie , Brian Peters ho Roger East , nebe maka militar Indonesia oho iha Timor Leste iha tinan 1975.
Prosesu Aplikasaun

Aplikantes sira tenki submete (a pitch) la liu husi pájina rua no naruk ne’ebe mak :

  • Artikula tópiku/s saida mak sira hakarak atu explora ho ajuda husi parseria
  • Hatudu komitmentu ida atu hamrik mesak, kualidade reportajem
  • Oinsa ida ne’e sei kontribui ba demokrásia no akuntabilidade (Guvernu, Burokrátiku, Individial no korporativu) iha Timór Leste.
  • Aliña saida mak sira hakarak atu hetan husi parseria ne’e no oinsa sira atu uza abilidade foun sasá deit no treinamentu ne’ebe mak sira hetan ona iha sira nia servisu iha Timór Leste.

Aplikasaun sei eskritamente konfidensial no avalia husi painel konsultivu kompostu husi reprezentativu nominadu husi MEAA, reprezentativu ida nominadu husi APHEDA-Union Aid Abroad, no reprezentativu ida nominadu husi família Balibo Five.

Kriteria ba aplikantes :
  • Sidadaun Timor Leste
  • Mais ou menus kompleta ona tinan rua nudar jornalista, produtor mídia, peskizador ou ho imprensaun ida ou organizasaun transmisaun, ou komprovada hanesan
  • Fasih iha lingua Inglês, (atu bele prienxe kriteria ba komponenti estudu Australianu)
  • Nominasaun ne’e suporta husi organizasaun apropriedade ida ne’ebé mak hatán atu husik sira husi servisu ne’ebe mak existe dadauk ba durasaun parseria ne’e ou suporta sira atu kompleta parseria ne’e.
  • Sei fo konsiderasaun espesiál ba jornalista foin sa’e sira ne’ebe mak sério (otas 30 mai kraik) ba programa ne’e.

Bele haruka ita bo’ot sira nia e-mail iha lian Inglês, Bahasa ou Tetum mai koordenador APHEDA Timór nian Sra. Elisabeth Lino de Araujo

Ba informasaun klaru kontaktu Elisabeth liu husi e-mail ou husi : ou bele telefone direita ba no +670 77232075


Balibo five applications are due on 1st June 2016. | Aplikasaun ba Balibo Five sei loke to loron 1 fulan Junho 2016.