March 28, 2018
Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA is about people working together to make things better for all. This month we meet Dyna, team leader at the Cambodian Prostitutes Union (CPU).
Categories: APHEDA People

February 28, 2018
Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA is about people working together to make things better for all. This month we meet Hoang Thi Ngan from Bac Kan Women's Union in Vietnam.
Categories: APHEDA People

January 31, 2018
This month we spoke with Chongchit, a senior union official with the Lao Federation of Trade Unions (LFTU). Chongchit gives us a unique insight into the world of organising and worker's rights in Laos.
Categories: APHEDA People

December 21, 2017
Long-term activists Peter Jennings and Ruth Ellis were honoured at this year's AGM for their commitment and dedication to APHEDA's goals.
Categories: APHEDA People

November 30, 2017
This month we spoke with Eai Shwe Sinn who is the founder and Chairperson of Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA’s Myanmar partner organisation, Labour Rights Defenders and Promoters (LRDP).
Categories: APHEDA People

October 31, 2017
Meet Mark Phillips - unionist and Union Aid APHEDA activist for over a decade.
Categories: APHEDA People

Do Global Justice. The Union Way.


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