September 28, 2017
This month we spoke with Saina Tomi, an Organiser for Samoa First Union (SFU). SFU was formed in June 2015 and is the first private sector union in Samoa.
Categories: APHEDA People

August 31, 2017
This month we spoke with Tim who participated in APHEDA's Thai-Myanmar Border Study Tour in 2012. In 2016, Tim returned to Myanmar where he was invited to train workers from a number of industries in Yangon with Action Labor Rights (ALR).
Categories: APHEDA People

July 31, 2017
This month we spoke with Andrew who has visited many of Union Aid Abroad - APHEDA's projects in person and who believes that joining APHEDA is the closest thing you'll get to a religious experience!
Categories: APHEDA People

June 29, 2017
This month we spoke with Audrey who has supported Union Aid Abroad APHEDA since its establishment in 1984. Audrey continues to be actively involved in APHEDA's work and is passionate about internationalism and global solidarity.
Categories: APHEDA People

May 31, 2017
This month we spoke with Hana Abu Nahla who works on Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA funded projects in Gaza with MA’AN Development Center .
Categories: APHEDA People

April 27, 2017
This month we spoke with Wiranta Yudha, Coordinator of LION (Local Initiative OHS Network), a health and safety organisation in Indonesia campaigning for an asbestos-free Indonesia.
Categories: APHEDA People, Asbestos

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