March 29, 2017
This month we introduce you to Ian.
Categories: APHEDA People

February 28, 2017
This month we spoke with Carolina Leiva from south-west Sydney. Carolina is a nurse and an organiser for the NSW Nurses & Midwives Association who has a very personal commitment to anti-asbestos advocacy.
Categories: APHEDA People

December 19, 2016
This month we introduce you to Suha. Suha El-Yassir is a Palestinian refugee who works with the Palestinian Women’s Humanitarian Organisation (PWHO) and has been integral in building the Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA-funded projects for women and children in Lebanon.
Categories: APHEDA People

October 31, 2016
This month we spoke with Vinnie Molina from Perth. Vinnie is a carpenter by trade and an organiser for the CFMEU Construction & General Division in Western Australia.
Categories: APHEDA People

September 30, 2016
This month we introduce you to Nur Hayati. Nur Hayati is a labour activist and factory worker from Serang District on the outskirts of Jakarta.
Categories: APHEDA People

August 4, 2016
This month we introduce you to Serena O’Meley. Serena is a long-standing community and union activist, and works as an Industrial Organiser for the National Tertiary Education Union.
Categories: APHEDA People

Do Global Justice. The Union Way.


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