Edd Ashmore on Twenty Years of Volunteering for Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA
For Edd, union activism has always been part of his life and volunteering for Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA has been part of it for the last twenty years.
For Edd, union activism has always been part of his life and volunteering for Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA has been part of it for the last twenty years.
“We are grateful to work with Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA because when there is nobody else to support us, we know APHEDA will stand by us.”
Throughout her decades of activism, Debbie Stothard has seen the power of global solidarity during times of crisis.
“Global justice is a process of both identifying problems and a system, and building the campaigns and political movements that can unite people within countries but also across countries.”
As both a unionist and climate activist, Steph Cunio is adamant that “there’s no way we’re going to win on climate change unless we bring the union movement along.” This task of building concerted action between unionists and climate activists is now Steph’s number one priority. Because if we don’t win, Steph says, “we’re not going to have a world.”
As a veteran journalist in South East Asia, Phil Thornton has dedicated his career to giving a voice to the voiceless. In his reportage on armed conflicts, workers’ rights, and social justice, Phil has learnt that “ordinary people have to get up and make a stand, otherwise there won’t be much left to stand for.”