
September 17, 2024
Union representatives from the Building and Wood Workers Trade Union Federation of Cambodia (BWTUC) have appealed to the Ministry of Labour to introduce regulations to restrict and prevent the use of asbestos in construction to protect worker’s health.
Categories: Asbestos

August 29, 2024
Migrant workers are particularly vulnerable to asbestos exposure due to their socio-economic conditions. They often work in high-risk sectors, such as construction and demolition, under unsafe conditions that others might avoid. Known as the "3Ds"—Dirty, Dangerous, and Demanding—these jobs often come with lower pay, longer hours, and complex, risky tasks.
Categories: Asbestos

August 14, 2024
Pacific Island countries are taking action to safely remove degrading asbestos from buildings as part of their efforts to ban the importation of asbestos-containing materials (ACM). In 2017, 14 Pacific countries agreed to cooperate and work towards a full ban on asbestos.
Categories: Asbestos

June 27, 2024
In Australia, we are aware of the suffering many workers have endured, which is why we've joined forces with our brothers and sisters in Laos and Vietnam to improve diagnostic capacity.
Categories: Asbestos

June 27, 2024
In Australia, we are aware of the suffering many workers have endured, which is why we've joined forces with our brothers and sisters in Laos and Vietnam to improve diagnostic capacity.
Categories: Asbestos

May 29, 2024
A significant victory for our Ban Asbestos campaign has been achieved in Indonesia again. The Jakarta Health Office has declared a ban on asbestos in homes, citing its severe health risks to residents.
Categories: Asbestos

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