Consultant Evaluator Needed
The evaluation of the Asbestos: Not Here, Not Anywhere campaign will assist the APHEDA Board in planning and consider possible future program actions and priorities.
The evaluation of the Asbestos: Not Here, Not Anywhere campaign will assist the APHEDA Board in planning and consider possible future program actions and priorities.
There has been a very significant decrease in the asbestos roof sheet market in Vietnam in the past 10 years.
Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA prepared this factsheet as an information resource for policy dialogue for the elimination of asbestos-related diseases.
A thought-provoking forum was held in Sydney on August 24 about the global campaign to stop diseases caused by silica and asbestos.
The Cambodian government has released details about how a proposed asbestos ban will come into effect, including details for action, a timeline for a ban and management of related issues.
The World Health Organization estimates that 1,661 people die from asbestos disease in Indonesia every year, including 1,368 lung cancer cases and 225 mesothelioma cases. Yet, according to health system statistics, there have been no asbestos deaths and just six asbestos compensation claims.