
February 27, 2022
The asbestos industry is in decline, but thousands of tonnes of asbestos-containing materials still pour into Asia.

January 31, 2022
Anti-asbestos action groups in Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos and Vietnam have has success advocating for policy reform and support activities leading toward national bans on asbestos.

November 29, 2021
Pacific countries discuss how to dispose of asbestos in their small island countries, new partners join the campaign in Vietnam, and journalists get training on the health hazards of asbestos in Laos.

October 19, 2021
The fight to ban asbestos worldwide is gaining new momentum as networks across Asia and the Pacific pledged recently to step up the battle to protect their populations from the deadly dangers of asbestos exposure at the Asia Ban Asbestos Network (ABAN) Conference 2021.

October 14, 2021
EuroCham Cambodia has pledged its support to ban the use of deadly asbestos across the country. The move comes as global pressure to curtail its use in the construction industry steps up a gear.

October 7, 2021
On September 28-30, ban asbestos and victim networks from across the Asia Pacific region came together online for the Asia Ban Asbestos Network’s (ABAN) three-day conference.
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