Myanmar Monitor

February 28, 2024
Reports from Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA's partner organisations indicate the stressful situation on the ground, with young civilians panicking and seeking to leave the country in masses to avoid serving in the military which many of them have protested against.

September 22, 2023
The Myanmar Campaign Network explains why Australia can take practical steps, following the path paved by the US, UK, EU, to restore democracy in Myanmar.

April 27, 2023
In the past month, the Myanmar junta has killed more than 210 people in aerial attacks and the number of internally displaced persons has now jumped to 1.8 million.

August 31, 2022
Supporters of the campaign to issue sanctions of Myanmar's military junta have sent more than 550 emails to their local MPs.

February 24, 2022
The Karen Women’s Organisation provided aid to internally displaced peoples suffering from escalating violence.

February 6, 2022
Twelve months following the military coup in Myanmar, the economy is in freefall with almost half of its population now in poverty according to the UNDP

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