
March 26, 2025
Despite these immense challenges, women have led resistance efforts, advocating against atrocity crimes and repressive laws. Yet, structural barriers continue to limit their leadership opportunities, The Women of Burma (WoB) Internship Program, supported by Union Aid Abroad–APHEDA,
Countries: Thai-Myanmar Border;

March 26, 2025
In Timor-Leste, women make up a significant portion of the workforce, but over 60% of them are trapped in informal, low-wage, and often unsafe jobs. But the Women’s Working Centre Timo-Leste (WWCTL) is leading the fight to change this. Here are five powerful ways they’re supporting women workers.
Countries: Timor Leste;

June 27, 2024
Our partner organisation, ALTSEAN-Burma (Alternative ASEAN Network on Burma), through their Women of Burma (WoB) program, is supporting brave women to speak out against the injustices their people are enduring.
Categories: Thai-Myanmar Border, Women
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