Contact Us

Contact Us

Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA
Level 1, 365-375 Sussex St
Sydney NSW 2000
Phone: +61 2 9264 9343

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We take complaints seriously, If you, as a member of Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA, donor or member of the general public, have any questions or complaints about the organisation, please contact the Executive Officer, Kate Lee on +61 2 9264 9343 or the Chair of the Management Committee at

You can view our complaints policy and procedure here or by contacting

ACFID Code of Conduct

Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA is a signatory to the ACFID Code of Conduct. The Code requires members to meet high standards of governance, public accountability and financial management.

As a signatory, we are committed and fully adhere to the Code, conducting our work with transparency, accountability and integrity.

You can find out more about the ACFID Code here:

If you think APHEDA is in breach of any of the requirements of the Code, you can lodge a complaint with ACFID, here:

ACFID Fundraising Charter

Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA fully complies with the ACFID fundraising charter.

You can find the charter here

Do Global Justice. The Union Way.


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