DONATE NOW –  Support climate action with Global South unions

News Post

Nov 30, 2022


Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA has launched our Festive Appeal to support our climate justice work in Nepal, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam and India.

Waste pickers in Nepal are affected by extreme heat and intense rain.

Global warming affects every workplace, everywhere. In Nepal, extreme snowstorms and unseasonal snow melting threaten Sherpas who work as tourist guides for mountaineers. Street vendors and day labourers in the Philippines are vulnerable to severe typhoons and fossil fuel pollution. Torrential rain, flooding, landslides, and drought are hitting plantation and agricultural workers hard in Indonesia.

Climate change is a worker’s issue so workers must be part of the solution.

Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA is working with unions and labour organisations to educate workers and union leaders on how climate change affects their daily lives, support union organisers to advocate for climate solutions, and ensure unions are involved in the climate planning at the workplace, regional and national level.

Our partner organisation in the Philippines is the Centre for Trade Union and Human Rights (CTUHR) has created climate justice training modules to address climate change as a workplace issue. They also support workers to mobilise for collective climate justice campaigns.

In Nepal, we work with the Centre for Labour and Social Studies and the Joint Trade Union Coordination Center to help identify workers who are most impacted by climate change across the waste management, tourism, agriculture, construction, electricity, and transportation sectors. They are being assisted to organise workers to lobby for climate mitigation, adaptation and loss and damage strategies for working people.

In India, we work with the Self Employed Women’s Association, India’s largest women’s trade union. They are training rural women to establish, repair and maintain solar power plants which are used for pumping water for agriculture, pumping brine for salt production and lighting in houses. With the cost of firewood, electricity, diesel and kerosene increasing, having access to solar power can save women up to 25% of their income.

Help us put workers at the centre of climate justice by donating to Union Aid Abroad-APHEDAs climate justice appeal today. Your donation will immediately be put to good use helping workers on the frontlines of the climate crisis.

Donate here today!