EOFY Appeal: Worker’s Power for Climate Action

News Post

May 30, 2024

The climate crisis is a global issue that requires a global response. This is why we are collaborating with unions in neighbouring countries, where workers’ lives are directly impacted by this crisis. As we approach the end of this financial year, we are seeking support for our projects to strengthen ‘Workers’ Power for Climate Action’.

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Coal workers in Indonesia 

Meet Nikasi Ginting (pictured above), the Secretary General of the Mining and Energy Federation of Indonesia, who stands at the forefront representing thousands of coal workers concerned about the future of their jobs. 

Indonesia plans to phase out coal by 2060, a positive step for combating climate change. However, Nikasi warns that this transition threatens the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of coal miners and their communities. As the world’s largest coal exporter, Indonesia’s local economies deeply depend on this industry. 

Will There Be Fair Jobs in the Future? 

Climate justice is the answer. Trade unions in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Nepal – our partner organisations – are gearing up to ensure no one is left behind in the transition to renewable energies. Workers’ voices must be heard to secure their rights and protect informal economy workers and women who are doubly impacted by the shift from coal mining. Moving towards a greener future shouldn’t come at the expense of workers. Instead, it must create fairer, decent jobs. This is the essence of Climate Justice. 

What Are We Doing? 

Through our projects, we are building union power to defend climate justice with: 

  • Indonesian coal workers organising to secure a just energy transition. 
  • Filipino workers mobilising for climate justice and effective responses to climate disasters. 
  • Indian women coal pickers organising for alternative and long-term jobs. 
  • Nepalese unions advancing workers’ agendas in climate negotiations with the government. 

Join Us in Making a Difference 

With your help, we can continue to stand in solidarity with the workers most affected by the climate crisis. Together, we can ensure no one is left behind while fighting for a renewable, safer, and fairer future. 

Will you make a tax-deductible contribution before June 30 to support workers’ power for climate action? 

Support workers’ power for climate action 

Thank you for your generous support of Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA.