Decent work for construction workers

- Status: Current
- Focus Area: Worker's Rights
- Categories: Union organising, workers rights
Project Description
Organisational capacity building for the expansion and membership consolidation of the National Union of Building and Construction Workers (NUBCW). Filipino construction workers have been severely impacted by the shrinking space for trade unions and the prevalence of informal employment, which undermines labour rights. This project focuses on strengthening occupational safety and health (OSH) and promoting women’s rights at work.
Project Partners
News from the field
The Philippines: Women unionists take action against sexual harassment
Unions in the Philippines are taking action decisive against sexual harassment in the workplace, and their efforts are paying off. We have an inspiring experience to share from our partner organisation, the National Union of Building and Construction Workers (NUBCW).
“Their cause is our cause, their fight is our fight”: Australian Unionists Rally in Solidarity With Workers in the Philippines
On Human Rights Day, union members across Australia rallied in solidarity with their brothers and sisters in the Philippines who have been targeted by the Duterte regime. In Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, and Perth, Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA activists joined with Australian unions to tell the Duterte government to #StoptheAttacks.
Building union power through clean energy in the Philippines
SENTRO is working hard to fight back against privatisation of the energy sector and build union power through clean energy initiatives in the Philippines.
Do Global Justice. The Union Way.
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